Paul Dugard has been a kite flyer and maker for over 35 years. What began as an activity to do at the beach with his two boys, became a life long passion.
He is a member of Wings Over Washington (WOW), a local kite club and member of the AKA (American Kite Flyers Association). He has served on the Cherry Blossom Kite Festival committee since 2018 and well as been a field judge for kite entries.
For years, a competitor in AKA stunt kite competitions he has won numerous awards for his kite ballet with his favorite kite- a quad line kite. This kite using 4 kite lines for maximum maneuvering ability.

Paul’s favorite thing is to fly in a team, with 4 or more quad line flyers and preform formation ballet. He was part of the team with flew in the Guinness World book of Records most kites in the sky- with 101 quad line kites at Long Beach Washington, at the Washington International Kite Festival in 2019.
In October of 2022, he won the AKA Grand Champion for his rainbow stack of kites and was featured in the AKA magazine.